Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The writer in me

So, like many people in this world today I have found myself caught up in the world of blogs...daily. I read tons and love all the advice, recipes and pictures that I see. I have learned so much from mothers I have never met, let alone written a line to and I understand the cathartic therapy they receive from writing a blog and getting to know other mamas that feel the same way they do.
On that note, I have decided to start my own blog. I don't know that anyone will ever come across it, or care that it is here, but it is. I am using it for therapy and also in hopes of meeting some people who feel the way that I do in order to overcome the loneliness of being a stay-at-home mama who lives in a very small town with no friends anywhere near by.
I suppose this is a lame way to start a blog, but its the only way I know to do things. Sit down and start them, even if you don't know where they are going to head. So this is a start.